All posts by dontomek

Cool Curaçao

No colour correction.
No colour correction at all.

The fireplace was roaring on a cold Saturday morning. I drank my coffee with the infinite mouth pleasure only weekend caffeine or that first big draught of beer can bring. I flipped through the paper, old school, and wondered how future generations would light their fires once newsprint disappeared. Evidently it was an idle sort of morning. Read more

Our Drinkskultur: Part Three

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At Diving & Chillin’ we take our drinkskultur pretty seriously. After all, life is too short for crappy cocktails and it’s really not that demanding to bring your game to near olympian levels. It’s time to raise your post diving drinks from mere refreshments to potions worthy of being entered in your logbook. Now there’s a thought. Read more


A certification dive a long long time ago. And WTF is going on with this noob? Why is the octopus on the left and the console on the right? No clue, but it still makes me smile.
A certification dive a long long time ago. And WTF is going on with this noob? Why is the octopus on the left and the console on the right? Is this a metal concert? No clue, but it still makes me smile. Yes, I’m the noob.

The above picture proves how advanced a diver I am. Cue the sarcasm beers.

I’m by no stretch of the imagination a master of scuba diving. I’ve been at it for a little bit, but I don’t dive as much as I would like (well who does?). Diving locally means cold green water with low viz and depressed fishes. It has some appeal, but it wears thin quickly. Scuba in the Caribbean has spoiled me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still getting the goose fat ready for my face for a short dive trip later this year, but given the choice? Less dry suit and more rash guard. Believe it or not, I’ve met some people who preferred the contrary. No accounting for tastes yeah? Read more

Margarita, Queen of Cocktails

You're going to need these.
You’re going to need these.

Maybe you don’t like margaritas.

Possibly, you’ve had too much way too cheap tequila during your formative years. Perhaps the only margaritas you’ve ever met are the ones served in giant buckets with tons of crushed ice, super sweet syrup, more cheap tequila, and not a real lime in sight, the kind of drink that leaves you with brain freeze and a profound sense of shame. Read more