So I told you how my GoPro is adrift somewhere in the Indian Ocean, and it is a real freakin’ bummer that I added plastic to the growing heap of junk floating around.
Also there’s some cool images I’ll never get to share.
A talented person (and diver), that was on board with us on the Emperor Voyager, graciously allowed me to share a video she made of our dives. So enjoy, and many many thanks Ms Sarah Wilke.Read more
The Seychelles segment of our trip was off to a rough start. An impressive lack of organization at the Colombo airport meant that even showing up four hours in advance was just enough to make our flight without one of us becoming truly unpleasant. Our flight was at 0200, landing in the Seychelles at around 0500 local time. Which means not much sleep even in the best of cases, which was not my case as I’m still a nervous flier. The plane was filled with Sri Lankans going abroad for work, and they were intent on making the most of the free meals and beers on the plane. No doubt they were heading for extended austere/spartan conditions akin to indenturedness (not a word), so who could blame them?Read more
We are in the capital city of Colombo, enjoying a little luxury at the locally owned Jetwing hotel (all their hotels we highly recommend).
First an apology, I reread my last post about Sri Lanka, to avoid repeating myself, and found SO MANY MISTAKES that I felt a deep sense of writer’s shame. Sorry about that.Read more
The battery of the ipad is dying (wow, that sounds a little douchey) and the wi-fi here is more of a suggestion than an actual thing. Apologies for all grammatical errors and infelicities of style. Also these are off the cuff impressions, not well reflected poetical statements.Read more
I wanted to write a proper post with tons of pretentious cultural and literary remarks but it is already day 11 of our arrival here and we are headed to the internetless land of the Maldives tomorrow (because we will be on a boat). So instead here is a bunch of pictures and some hopefully not too pedestrian, or provincial, comments.Read more
Scuba diving, quality cocktails, taking it easy and other treasure maps.