Tag Archives: Arthur

Some Things Take Time


This had been some time in the making. Eight years to be exact. Gifted or cursed by the love of books, through the centuries years, we have amassed quite a few tomes.  More than a flimsy-pressed-cardboard-ready-to-assemble library could hold in any case, not that I would let one inside the house. I think my dad would reach across the Veil and smack me upside the head if I did that. Read more

One More Time Around The Sun

3@15 Chillin'
Chillin’  during 3@15.

I have not posted as much as I like lately and not much about diving. My brain is a little scattered by a new contract, where I’m encountering a steeper learning curve than expected, or perhaps I’m a touch slower than advertised, jury is still out on that, but meh. Also we have not been diving in a while (I’m not ready for ice diving, doubt I will ever be) and most of you already know all of my scuba stories. Read more