Category Archives: Diving

On the south side of Roatan

It's like flying in a dream but being awake and without drugs.
It’s the closest you’ll come to actual flying without drugs.

This trip had been in the works for about nine months. People opted out, other people opted in, the vendor changed a bunch of things, it was starting to feel a bit like a potential clusterfuck. The resort turned out ok, as usual the D&C crew proved fantastic, and we met some cool divers (hello Derek, Bob and Tiff). Read more

Saint Martin: Underrated Diving Destination


Saint-Martin, Sint-Maarten or SXM was a last minute destination. One of those cases where your body can no longer take the stress you’ve been putting it through and cracks start to show in the armour, or in this case the immune system. I’m not talking about myself obviously but of my  dive buddy. So asked if I would organize a quick dash to the islands I obliged. Read more

You are the boss of you

I don’t think I’m a very knowledgeable or experienced diver, and so it is a very sobering thought to realize how little I knew in the first years of my underwater adventures. As a member of the D&C group often says Fortune favours the foolish, and I think he means me. He’s not wrong.  Though, unlike other areas of my life, I have never been careless or rash in scuba diving, there were times I just did not know any better. Today I still have tons to learn,  but one thing I did pick-up, is that no one is more in charge of my safety than myself. Read more